Sunday, June 3, 2012


This article will teach you the basics on what to look for when betting a baseball game. The fact that baseball doesn?t have point spreads is the reason why people might be afraid to bet on it. Even after what people say, they are wrong, baseball offers the best odds around. This all comes down to what is called the ?money line? which will be discussed in this article.

Why can baseball be so profitable?

We can start by saying that the amount of games that are played each year will offer you great betting opportunities. In baseball, they play thousands of games each season, where in football they only play a few hundred. The only time there isn?t a game being played during the season, is during the all-star game, which is only three days.

This gives the Las Vegas line makers very little time to produce an accurate betting line. Often times you will see a late injury being reported, which gives odds makers a hard time. Money lines will move occasionally directly after the betting public has started wagering. This could possibly indicate that vital information came into play that changed the money line. Here are a few extremely important rules to follow when wagering on baseball games.

If you only take one thing out of this article I hope this will be it. Make sure when you first start looking for a sportsbook to take your action, that they offer ?10 cent? lines. At the end, you will want to save yourself as much money as possible, using these betting lines will do that.

This is what a ?10 cent? line will look like.

?10 cent? line

Texas Rangers +130
Miami Marlins -120

?20 cent? line

Chicago Cubs +125
Miami Marlins -145

Unfortunately, you will see plenty of sportsbooks take advantage of these types of betting lines. Make sure to wager through the best sportsbook that offers ?10 cent? lines.

Las Vegas makes their profit with these types of lines. As you can see, half the betting action is on one side, and half the action is on the other. They will guarantee themselves a profit regardless of the final outcome of the game.

It?s time now to move onto the real important stuff. When handicapping baseball, what do we need to know?

Pitching (most important)

This is probably no surprise to you. Still, little attention does overall pitching get paid. Instead of looking to see what the pitcher is doing lately, people will look at overall team play. Unlike any other sport, one person can drastically change the final outcome of the game. The starting pitcher will average handling the ball 100 times in a game, this is far more times than anyone on the field excluding the catcher of course.

As you can see, nothing is more important than pitching. So many instances where you can search for value when looking at overall pitching. You will certainly find great value on your pitcher if he is facing a popular baseball team, like New York or Boston. Like we said at the beginning of this article. Vegas just wants equal amounts of money on each team, this guarantees them a profit. People tend to wager on the team that is the most popular. This should point out how valuable it is to wager on overall pitching, than team play.


Not many people will ever look at individual hitting when handicapping a baseball game. Rather than looking at streaks, they look at final outcomes. When they should be studying individual player performances. Be certain that this isn?t going to happen to you. Make sure you are handicapping each and every players performance. Be certain to look for teams where the best player is in a slump, be sure to not bet this team. It gets harder to win baseball games if your team can?t score runs, so the pitcher can?t win if his team isn?t scoring for him.

It?s very important to look at hitting streaks, this should be done before you bet. As we said before, if a team can?t hit as a team, when their best player is also struggling, than what do you think is going to happen?

If you see the exact opposite and a player is hitting very well, the same thing will apply. When you have a batter in a great hitting streak, expect to get real good betting value. This game is all about hand-eye coordination, which is nothing like other sports. In some cases, you will see players have short live poor coordination. Make certain to handicap whether a player is slumping or streaking.


Why do we care who is umpiring a game you might ask yourself? Seeing which ump is behind the plate will be very important. Some umps offer very strict strike zones. So, pitchers that rely on finesse and control, are going to struggle. It becomes a bigger issue for the pitcher when the team he is facing has discipline at the plate.

These are some basic but very important factors when betting baseball games. Your success rate will increase significantly if you use these rules.

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