Friday, June 8, 2012

Integrating Math Manipulatives In Home Mathematical Programs ...

Math manipulatives are objects designed in such a way that a learner gets to understand mathematical concepts by maneuvering with them. They can be viewed as mind games through which ideas can be demonstrated in an interesting and interactive way.

Using them is particularly helpful since most people learn much easily when they interact with physical objects. They essentially accelerate and deepen student?s ability to conceptually understand concepts. Therefore, they are great tools for changing the perspective of students who find learning mathematics boring and difficult.

This method of learning is mostly employed by teachers in elementary and middle schools. However it also works even in other advanced stages. This is because almost all branches of mathematics have at least one manipulative that can assist a learner to internalize ideas.

One of the main setbacks in the use of these learning aids is the fact that most teachers feel inadequately informed on how to use them . They therefore shy from using them to teach. This denies the students the many advantages that come with the use of teaching aids. However, you can still make up for this inadequacy by having them and using them at home to teach your kids.

By having them at home, it is easy to make them everyday objects. Most of them can be used to spend leisure time since they are also interesting. For young children who have not started schooling, there are special objects they can play with and at the same time engage their young brain. This early exposure prepares a child?s brain to tackle more complex things in future. This is because, generally, whatever is learned at early stages of life tends to be retained easily.

Many among these manipulatives are readily available in the market and are relatively inexpensive. There are also numerous companies from which one can order them either online or from catalogs. No matter where you are located these materials can be delivered by many channels including via mail. This makes acquiring them very much easy and favorably cheap.

Information on how to operate and use is normally provided with the packaged material. In addition, there are numerous articles in educational journals and in the internet giving instructions on the use of manipulatives. These instructions are usually written in such a way that they are easily understood. As a result most people can learn how to use the material by themselves.

Having these objects at home and regularly maneuvering with them almost guarantees increased ability to solve problems. This is because one will have unlimited access and long exposure. Normally this causes an addiction of some kind which subsides only after solving all the mysteries in the object. This cultivates persistence and problem solving skills.

For students and parents whose children have a problem understanding mathematical concepts, integrating math manipulatives in their home learning programs is their best bet of improving. Even those who are comfortable with the subject can maximize their abilities in this way. It is therefore a project everyone should consider undertaking.

Finding more about math manipulatives to help children learn fundamental math principles is not hard. If you are looking for information on math manipulatives for childen, review the information available here to find out more.

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