Monday, December 3, 2012

Everything YOU Need to Know About Distance Education for ...

Last year same time I published an article written by Robert Williams who is actually a guest author and contributed a well written piece of information entitled Distance Learning ? Road to Riches solving student?s challenges where they finds it difficult to know what is right and what is wrong if they are going to choose the distance learning?or direct learning mode of education for their future studies.

And now on readers demand I took the same article for further discussion and inside this post I would like to target :-

  1. Working Professionals
  2. Business Person
  3. Housewife
  4. Physically Disabled
  5. Financially Weak

Or anyone else who wants to continue their studies for continuous growth from their current position in the company or the society due to having advanced and updated knowledge about a particular subject in which he or she enrolled.

How to Continue YOUR Studies while Working ?

direct learning

As written by Robert in his article that it?s not the time where people were?bound to study only inside the traditional classrooms, so what is that is actually changed now in terms of continuing studies side by side doing your day job or business ?

  • Interest of reading?books?ebooks -

If we are discussing about distance education online we should have some interest alive of reading the ebooks and notes given by the institution from where you are continuing your studies and likely to become a good student by showing progress in your examination reports.

You don?t have to create interest, yes because you already have interest of reading book but now the technology is involved and you have to read your books in electronic format and that would be really a good thing though because now you can read your study material very easily anywhere just by having the high end gadgets like smart phone, tablet, netbook or the notebook ?PC.

Also read our review of?Amazon Kindle Fire (best ?ebook reader? created ever).

  • Writing practices for facing examinations -

Mainly in subjective examinations you need to have some writing practices because you might have came back with a long gap of writing longer matters on paper due to the technology and gadget we are almost leaving the pen and text books away from our life but being an student you have to face them again and that?s why for giving your best answers out on the paper you should start writing practices from the day one after joining the course.

  • An institution with reputation -

We always like?to look for the most reputed institution for getting our degree from the regular mode of education on campus, in the same way you should always be very serious in choosing institution for distance learning mode of education while working even if you have to pay a very low amount as academic fee.

Because your degree matters, and if you are continuing your distance education from an unknown institution then again the company can ask that which college or community is this from where you got your degree ? we never heard about it. And then you will find that your degree and education is now of no use and all the time and efforts gone waste so please consider checking list of top 5 distance education?university?in India.

You should also visit the institution?s official website to see the registration and affiliation details and most important that is approved by distance education council or not before asking for the registration form.

  • Minimal amount as academic fee -

When you will see the fee structure of distance mode of education online or on campus?then it would be minimal in comparison of regular mode of education on campus.

Why these institutions are charging a lot less ?

Good question that why they are charging a lot less even you are going to get the degree of equivalent value of the student?s degree who are in regular course ? It?s because by choosing the distance mode of education you helped them to cut the heavy charges like infrastructure charges, security charges, development charges etc

And that?s why they take charges value of degree only that is already low and same for the regular students too as defined by the affiliating University.

  • Access to your course material -

After getting admission you will get instant access to your course material using an ID and secret code, now you can log in to your account anytime you get?free of your job or business and start reading the course material having some notes for the important point simultaneously in a notebook to get help during the preparation of the examinations.

This system helps you in your studies by giving you complete access to your course material along with a community inside a forum where other students and faculty members also holds their account and discuss over their doubts so you can also ask for the help if finding any difficulty in understanding any topic from your subject.

Important* -?If it happens that you are not getting it easy to study online or offline using your gadgets then please don?t think and get your course material printed out and study using that hard copy for your convenience.

Generally it happens that your institution helps ?you in listing out the reference books you can go through to make your study more effective and easy to understand and write as much as the question requires.

For getting those books you?can check your local library, old book market or the seniors or faculty who are in contact with you by using study forum and they will definitely be happy to help you in finding the old books because generally those reference books comes too costly and can cross the amount you deposited as academic?fee.

If you manage?to get contacts of your seniors then they will provide you their notes and old books that will help you a lot on focusing on just studying those papers instead of composing them from the beginning.

  • Know about your University and then appear in the examinations -

It really matters to know about your virtual University previous records because that record knowledge will help you to write with the strategy, now when you are dealing with some University then doesn?t matter how good you are prepared for the question papers but it matters that how you are following the papers as per as the requirement of the examiner.

Like in some Universities they require a lot of words in your answers means they also looks at the length of your answers to decide that what is the level of your knowledge and that decided your marks while some other University might go the straight and strict way and give the marking only according to their rules like section wise marking, marking for exact answer etc.

Now hope you will get good marks, if in case you thinks that your marks are very poor in response of your good examinations then see the next point as I?m discussing below.

  • Not satisfied with your marks, check the rules for re-evaluation -

Please don?t go for the re-evaluation without checking the University rules because sometime you might loose the current position too because according to some University rules you will the marks as per as recent result that will come after the re-evaluation and if GOD is not listening your story you will waste your money and lose your current position at the same time.

Some Universities will only do totalling of your marks while some will do the proper checking so be sure you have some security ahead after filling the re-evaluation form, and yes you have to pay some re-evaluation fee too that would be something like Rs.200-1000 per paper.

Now It?s YOUR Turn

Please don?t leave this page without sharing this article in your friends if you thinks that they will get some high quality information about?distance education for working people?for free?and also leave a comment below that how I helped you by writing this article ?

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