Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Want to Succeed in Sales? Burn the Boat | Small Business ...

Want to Succeed in Sales?? Burn the Boat

If you want to try to walk on water you have get out of the boat.? Getting out of the boat means taking a big risk.? As a business owner you are also a sales person. Successful salespersons are only successful if they take risks.

  • You have to learn why ?NO? is a positive word
  • You have to risk the unknown when you make a cold call
  • You take a risk developing solutions to customer?s problems

You have to get out of your comfort zone.? It doesn?t mean that you bet the farm, but it does mean that you occasionally go all in.?? The important part is that you always weigh the risk.? Measure your chance for success.? Be willing to take short term loses for long term gains.? Never risk more than you or your company can afford to lose.

The comfort zone is very alluring and not easy to leave.? Staying in your comfort zone will do two things for you:

  1. Limit your performance
  2. Stunt your growth

Test the waters, get out of the boat.

You have to plan to win.? Look at the Greek warriors. They were feared because of their bravery and determination to be victorious.? They were motivated.? They would take their boats to a foreign shore and after they embarked, their commanders issued the order, ?Burn the boats.??? There was no option to retreat. They had to go forward.? Victory was the only option.

As a business owner (and sales person) your weapon is your mind.? Just remember that your mind isn?t a weapon of steel.? You can?t afford negative thinking.? You have to be committed to completing the task. You don?t have the luxury to let fear be your guiding force.

  • You have to be committed
  • You are the warrior
  • Focus on the victory


It?s time to give the command:? ?Burn the boat.?

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